Cut the opponents off from each other
Price: $37. You are not yet enrolled in this course.
1 h - 2 h
Why is it that the top players seem to make more notrumps contracts than the average player?
And why do they consistently make more tricks?
It is because they use tools such as The Hold-Up Play to sever the opponent’s communications…plus they use their entries carefully.
Completing this course will help you:
- Have much more confidence in your declarer play
- Become a more successful declarer
- make more tricks by holding up your stopper
- and use your entries wisely so that you can create extra tricks in other suits.
Who is the course for?
This online course is for both all levels of bridge players who want to become more successful declarers of notrump contracts.
Learning Path
Learn how to manage your entries…and take the stress out of playing notrump contracts.
The Hold-Up Play…Start learning how to cut the communications between the opponents and thus reduce the threat of their long suits.
The Hold Up Play is a great way to cut the opponent’s communications. Holding two stoppers gives you the luxury of deciding whether to hold up on the first round…or the second round.